Test Dates
Scholarship TesT
22 Feb 2025
Placement Test
Friday - Sunday
2-4 May 2025
Placement Test
Friday - Sunday
2-4 May 2025

Selective Test
Some Key Dates:
Thursday 7th November 2024
Applications for entry to Year 7 in 2026 open online
Friday 21st February 2025
Application close
Friday 18th April 2025
Test admission tickets available to parents online
Friday 2nd May to Sunday 4th May 2025
Selective High School Placement Test
Sunday 18th May 2025
Last day to change selective high school choices
Thursday 31st July 2025
Placement outcomes expected to be released
5pm Wednesday - 17th December 2025
Reserve decision date
What to bring:
Information from the NSW government website (click here)
All students need:
two 2B pencils
pencil sharpener
a printed copy of the Test Admission Ticket
a clear bottle of water
to wear their school uniform
If required, bring:
any items approved as adjustments for disability, e.g. FM transmitters
EpiPen, asthma inhalers, diabetes or other medication
a clear plastic bag for stationery (pencil cases are not allowed)
a wristwatch (that cannot make a noise, calculate, compute, connect to the internet, send or receive messages, or facilitate attempted malpractice).
Students do NOT need to bring their own computer to sit the placement test.
Each student will be given two A3 pieces of paper for working out at the start of the test.​
These items are NOT allowed:
note paper
dictionaries or other books
smart watches, phones or other devices that compute, photograph, communicate or make a noise
pencil cases
Calculation of Profile Score

Note: Please be aware that some schools (Eg. private schools) do not provide a school assessment mark. This means that all English, Writing, Maths and Thinking Skills marks are received 100% from the Entrance Test.
(Consult your primary school for this information)

Scholarship Test
September 2023
Applications open
Midnight AEDT Sunday 4th February 2024
Applications close
Saturday 24th February 2024
Test date

Register Now
ACER Test Structure
Test 1: Written Expression (extended response, 25 minutes)
Test 2: Humanities - Comprehension and Interpretation (40 - 45 multiple choice questions, 40 minutes)
Test 3: Mathematics (32 - 36 multiple choice questions, 40 minutes)
Test 4: Written Expression (extended response, 25 minutes)
Test structures can be found on the ACER website under "ACER Scholarship Test structure"
What to bring:
Two blue or black pens for the Written Expression section of the test.
Two HB or B pencils for the multiple-choice tests + a good eraser
Something to eat/drink during the break between tests (optional)
ACER General Information
Each school sets its own application fee. You must complete a separate application and pay a separate fee for each school that you apply to. (Can apply for more than one school). Details are available on the schools’ websites.
How to Apply:
To apply for a test you need to create a Parent Account in the ACER Scholarship Test online application system and then complete an application for your child for each school you wish to apply to. Check the individual school websites before applying online.
ACER will provide your results to the school/s you've applied to. Some schools will post the result reports to parents in the mail. Other schools have opted for parents to be able to access results online; in this case you will receive a notification email from ACER with information about how to access your report.

OC Test
30th March 2023
Applications open for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2024
15th May 2023
Applications close for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2024
(You must apply by the due date.)
13th July 2023
Parents receive ‘Test authority’ advice
27th July 2023
Opportunity Class Placement Test
6th August 2023
Last day to change opportunity class choices
20th October 2023
Placement outcome information expected to be released
From 20th October 2023
Parents accept or decline first round placement
Mid-November 2023
Reserve brands available on website
18th January 2024
At 5pm, students with accepted offers are withdrawn from reserve lists
Students are NOT to bring pens, rulers, note paper, or books. Smart watches, phones or other devices that compute, photograph, communicate or make a noise will not be allowed at or near the student's desk in the test centre.
Students MUST bring a printed copy of their Test authority letter with their application number.
Students bring their own 2B lead pencil, sharpener and eraser. Students can bring a clear bottle of water to keep under the desk during the test.
For more information:

Multiple choice tests are marked by computer
Reading Test
The questions are based on a diverse range of texts and assess a range of reading skills. The reading test questions are based on different genres such as non-fiction, fiction, poetry, magazine articles and reports.
Mathematical Reasoning Test
The mathematical reasoning test assesses the student’s ability to apply mathematical understanding and knowledge to problems, with questions drawn from a range of mathematical content areas. Calculators are not used in the mathematical reasoning test.
Thinking Skills Test
The thinking skills test assesses the student’s ability in critical thinking and problem solving. There are a range of different question types in the test. No previous knowledge is required for this test.
General Information
When Applying:
Applicants can choose up to two opportunity classes. Choose the opportunity class and the order of the classes carefully and list only those schools you would like your child to attend and in your preferred order. You can change school choices without explanation before 6 August 2023 by logging in to your application dashboard and making the changes.
School Assessment Scores:
Public schools
NSW primary schools give school assessment scores to show each student's achievement in English and Mathematics in 2022 relative to other candidates from the same school. If school assessment scores from a NSW school cannot be provided, students will be considered on their test scores alone.
Non-government schools
NSW non-government school applicants complete the online application form. When applying, by accepting the Privacy Notice, parents indicate their acceptance that the Department may need to contact the non-government school regarding a student’s assessment information (such as school assessment scores) to assist with the placement process.
Parents of students at non-government schools receive the 'Principal's page for provision of school assessment scores' with the email confirming that the application was submitted. The Team will send a notice to parents when the principal's page has been processed.